Future Proof Your Discounts & Deals
When you make a purchase you are automatically signed up for our loyalty program. This means for every $20 spent you get $1 in loyalty points to be used.
You can also join the Rize mailing list where you will be on our special First-to-Know mailing list. This means you'll be the first to know about great deals, new products and special events.
As we offer more with our Rize Rewards program you'll have the opportunity to grow with us and show off your loyalty. As a rewards member you will get first access to anything special we might do down the road!
How Do I Check My Loyalty Points?
The fastest and easiest way to check your loyalty points is calling the store location that you shop at. Our friendly staff will be able to assist you in questions about your points, how many you have and anything else you need to know before your next visit.
Please fill out the form below to join the Rize Rewards mailing list. We keep all your information confidential and will never sell it to a third party. Get the best deals around now!
Thank you for joining the RIZE Family. We look forward to seeing you soon!